EZGC & EZLC Online Software Suite

Ethinyl estradiol

CAS # 57-63-6

Compound Structure and Properties

Molecular Weight296.4034
Data above sourced from: ChemSpider

GC Mass Spectrum

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Ethinyl Estradiol; Ethynylestradiol; Amenoron; Chee-O-Gen; Chee-O-Genf; Diogyn-E; Dyloform; Esteed; Estigyn; Estinyl; Eston-E; Estoral; Estorals; Estradiol, 17-ethynyl-; Ethidol; Ethinoral; Ethinylestriol; Ethinyloestradiol; Eticyclin; Eticyclol; Etinestrol; Etinestryl; Etinoestryl; Etistradiol; Follicoral; Ginestrene; Inestra; Linoral; Lynoral; Menolyn; Neo-Estrone; Nogest-S; Novestrol; Oradiol; Orestralyn; Palonyl; Perovex; Primogyn; Primogyn C; Primogyn M; Progynon C; Spanestrin; 17α-Ethinyl-17β-estradiol; 17α-Ethinylestradiol; 17α-Ethynylestradiol; 17-Ethinyl-3,17-estradiol; 17-Ethinylestradiol; 17-Ethynylestradiol; Anovlar; Diognat-E

Application Chromatograms